Download Everything You Know Is Wrong Pdf Lloyd Pye

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My Pseudonym
May 22, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This book admittedly has a daring title. Notwithstanding, once you accept finished reading this, you will almost certainly perceive the world in an entirely different way. The presentation from offset to finish is riveting and extremely powerful. You ultimately make your own decision in the cease. All the same, this book could provide y'all with the real truth on homo origins that may appear at beginning almost likewise airtight to exist truthful.

The book begins by taking the reader outside the accepted paradigm of fence on huma

This volume absolutely has a daring title. Nonetheless, once you lot take finished reading this, you volition almost certainly perceive the world in an entirely different way. The presentation from start to cease is riveting and extremely powerful. You ultimately make your own decision in the end. Withal, this book could provide you with the real truth on homo origins that may appear at starting time almost too closed to be true.

The volume begins by taking the reader outside the accepted paradigm of debate on human origins - which consists of Creationists and Evolutionists. Lloyd picks autonomously both sides of the statement and ultimately, proves both are at mistake - only giving credit to microevolution; while proving macroevolution is a fruitless pursuit.

Succeeding this, is a pocket-sized clamper on the Bigfoot phenomenon, which the majority of the population are brought up to believe is mythical and pure fanatasy. Lloyd has some damning evidence that volition give you a perspective on this, and summarizes this chapter with the very powerful: "Having to accept hominoids as real volition require having to acknowledge that the entire prehuman fossil record is comprised entirely of their basic, rather than ours."

This begs the question: How did we

get here?

This is where it gets extremely interesting. The final affiliate gives an excellent summary on the work of Zacharia Stitchin and the Sumerian tablets. The Sumerian tablets demonstrate a wealth of information (well before Genesis) that approve with a lot of physical evidence today.

These tablets talk about an advanced race of extraterrestrials chosen the Annunaki. These beings came to earth around 450,000 years ago, from their home planet Nibiru, to mine gold. Gold tin be used to oxidize the atmosphere and can help protect from the sun's rays. After mining for thousands of years in ancient Mesopotamia and Southern Africa, these beings decided to create a slave to finish off their mining project hither on Globe. They genetically manipulated the DNA of the native hominoids to create man sapiens.

They called their newly created colony of slaves, A.DAM.U (plural) and called their state in Mesopotamia E.DIN. Lots of physical prove is presented to back up this information, withal peradventure one of the most interesting is how all humans take 46 chromosomes in their band of DNA while all primates have 48 chromosomes? This is a huge amount of DNA that has gone missing, and this kind of fusing tin only be duplicated today by geneticists.

Lloyd finishes off this chapter with some information that may be hard to eat at first, however, in the end, seems to make a lot more sense than anything else nosotros've been brought upwards to believe.

Kevin Koppelmann
Some of the science was a little off merely way more interesting than The Origin of Species I've been struggling through for the concluding month. Some of the scientific discipline was a lilliputian off just way more interesting than The Origin of Species I've been struggling through for the last month. ...more
January 26, 2013 rated it information technology was astonishing
It may seem very outlandish, merely if you append disbelief of all that you lot "know" Pye has made some very logical arguments that can be researched and verified on your own. Quite fascinating. It may seem very outlandish, but if y'all append atheism of all that you "know" Pye has made some very logical arguments that can be researched and verified on your ain. Quite fascinating. ...more
Shawn Shortridge
Salvatore Cirillo
Rick Bavera
Jerry Levinson
Beckii Falconer
Michelle Williams
Imanuel Rodrigues
Bistra Strechkova
Derek DeHart
Monish Malhotra
Lesley Clayton
Kattykitt Kattykitt
Chrizz Rheaven
Born in 1946, Lloyd Pye is a native of Amite, Louisiana. He attended Tulane University in New Orleans, graduating in 1968 with a B.S. in Psychology. Subsequently graduation, he joined the U.S. Ground forces to become a Military machine Intelligence (M.I.) amanuensis.

For 20 years Lloyd wrote fiction and scripts while studying aspects of alternative noesis. Specially intrigued by Hominoids—bigfoot, sasquatch, abominable sn

Born in 1946, Lloyd Pye is a native of Amite, Louisiana. He attended Tulane University in New Orleans, graduating in 1968 with a B.South. in Psychology. After graduation, he joined the U.S. Army to become a Military machine Intelligence (Yard.I.) agent.

For 20 years Lloyd wrote fiction and scripts while studying aspects of alternative knowledge. Especially intrigued by Hominoids—bigfoot, sasquatch, beastly snowman, yeti—he felt they were the Earth'southward merely indigenous bipedal primates, leaving fossilized skeletons anthropologists labeled "pre" humans rather than "advanced" Miocene apes. Lloyd felt zilch about them was man, "pre" or otherwise. From Australopithecines through Neanderthals, they were upright walking primates, with physiological traits of primates and none of humans.

Lloyd realized that if Hominoids were real, their ancestors were being passed off equally "pre" humans and modern humans could not take evolved on Earth. But he had no idea where we DID come from or how nosotros got here. And then, in 1990, he discovered the work of Zecharia Sitchin and institute a "forepart" to the research he'd been doing. He realized his own work provided a plausible "back end" to Mr. Sitchin's controversial theories. He believed he could fuse the ii bodies of piece of work to produce a book that would institute a middle ground in evolutionary theory.

Mostly by discussion of mouth, "Everything You Know Is Incorrect—Book One: Human Origins" has sold nearly forty,000 copies. On TV, Lloyd has been featured on The Learning Channel ("Mystery of the Skulls"); Brute Planet ("Beast X"); Extra (best UFO segment of the 1990's); London's "Richard and Judy Show" (British equivalent of Oprah Winfrey); four times on "Your Plow" with Kathy Fountain on Fox TV's Ch. thirteen in Tampa, Florida; "Naturally N'Awlins" with Frank Davis on WWL-TV (CBS) in New Orleans; and WJTV in Jackson, Mississippi (also CBS). He has given over 200 lectures in the U.S. and around the earth (Brazil, Egypt, Netherlands, England, Australia).

Lloyd is an articulate, consistently engaging guest on idiot box, and on radio shows like Coast to Coast and Jeff Rense. From the beginning of this role of his career, his verbal skills combined with a natural gift for platform presentations to vault him from obscurity in late 1997 to beingness well-established in alternative knowledge circles by late 1998. That reputation brought him to the attention of a Texas couple that had recently acquired a normal man skull and ane that looked equally if it could fit within the caput of a epitome "Greyness" conflicting. The couple asked Lloyd to have the unusual skull and take it scientifically evaluated.

Thinking he knew something about science and scientists, Lloyd estimated the testing could be completed in half dozen months. And it might have been. Withal, he soon learned that scientists protect their paradigms with every chip of the ferocity displayed by religious zealots when supporting "divine" causes. Information technology'due south been over EIGHT YEARS since the Starchild skull was made public, even so final results of its testing cannot exist initiated until 2009 or 2010. For those interested in what it'south taken to get to that point, delight visit world wide and find two slide shows bachelor as Flash downloads. Both give vivid photographic evidence to support the supposition that the Starchild may well have been a human-conflicting hybrid.


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